Archive for the ‘Poor Equipment’ Category

It’s a sad day… blind faith in LG Electronics has been tarnished!

I’ve loved LG equipment for years. Every time I’ve replaced an optical drive its been with an LG drive, I’m on to my second LG washing machine and I’m on to my 4th Generation of LG monitors.

The Blu-Ray player in the lounge is LG and after a major fallout with Sky, who are no longer going to be receiving £50 of my money every month, I decided to go down the Freeview route.

My love of LG I didn’t even look anywhere else, I knew what I wanted and that seemed to be presented in the form of the LG HR650 which is a dual tuner Freeview player with 500GB hard disk and a 3D Blu-Ray player. But not only that. It has built in wifi which gives access to web based video resources as well. Sounds awesome…..I bought one.

That was Thursday. It’s now Monday and it’s going back tomorrow. It would be going back today if it hadn’t been a bank holiday!

It’s awful! It jumps, so if you are watching someone running they pretty much skip across the screen because of the missed frames.

When someone is talking it looks like its been badly edited with pixels around the edge of their mouth.

Sounds like a signal problem? That’s what I thought….unfortunately not…Jonny English DVD was even worse….and I don’t mean the film!

And then…to make matters even worse….if they weren’t bad already….I setup to do some recording. It fails. I suspect because it pops up with a message asking you to confirm you actually want to record it. OF COURSE I DO! I ASKED YOU TO!

Sadly, this is not the end of my breakup with LG, it continues….it has crashed 3 or 4 times to the point where it’s needed to be starved of power to regain any sort of usability.

This is one very upset LG fan. Such is my fallout I haven’t even considered a replacement unit. It’s going back for a refund. I’ve ordered a Panasonic instead.